Abraham Galloway
Elected in 1868, former slave Abraham Galloway was the first African American in the North Carolina state legislature.

Harris Taxi Service
African American entrepreneurs established business to serve the community. Pictured next to her cab, Mary Fisher Harris

James Walker Hood
Religious leader James Walker Hood was bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AME) Church in North Carolina from 1872 to 1916.

Heritage Walking Trail
The African American Heritage Sign Trail launched in June 2021. 16 sign panels explain and interpret significant historic events, people and places of African American heritage within the greater Craven Terrace and Dryborough neighborhoods of New Bern North Carolina.
Join us to preserve, promote and celebrate the
African American arts, music, culture and
heritage of Eastern North Carolina

Upcoming Event

Welcome to “We Shall Overcome” Memories of The Civil Rights Era in New Bern! Join us at the New Bern Civic Theatre for an enlightening interview filled with stories and memories by Oscar Dove's daughters, Eileen and Dorothy.
In the early 60’s Oscar Dove's involvement in the local Civil Rights movement resulted in his Mortuary being targeted by the Klu Klux Klan; crosses were burned and the building was bombed. An active member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) for twelve years, Dove was a known integrationist leader as well as a member of the Bi-Racial Committee.Come together with our community to honor the past and inspire a better future. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of something truly special!
​ Click on https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1143399591959?aff=oddtdtcreator for tickets
Tickets can also be purchased at the door the night of the event

Our Legacy
Our Story
The African American Heritage & Culture Center actively presents the historic impact & progression of African American heritage & culture in our region.
Before the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation, eastern North Carolina's African American families led communities, commerce, education, business and religious communities.
This region has a rich history of never-enslaved people who were joined by others fleeing or freed from slavery. Together they educated their children, cultivated their lands and built their communities into the time of Reconstruction.
From that period through continued segregation and discrimination, two world wars, the Depression and into the later 20th Century, NC's African Americans struggled, endured and prospered.
Today, the stories of NC's African Americans speak of a shared heritage with all who have settled in eastern North Carolina.
THE AAHC ORAL HISTORY LIBRARY offers stories and interviews about African American People, Places and Events. Go to "What We Do" and choose the ORAL HISTORY LIBRARY - it's easy to use and ready to grow.
The African American Heritage & Culture Center welcomes you, your family and your organization as our ORAL HISTORY LIBRARY partners. Together we will present these stories about our fellow North Carolinians.
Around New Bern
Early settlers joined Tuscaroran people and African-American freemen and freed slaves to build New Bern, a city rich in history and culture.